Are you ‘Lazy’ or ‘Unmotivated’?

Divya Sebastian
3 min readSep 22, 2021


There is a difference and both can be well treated.

Laziness and being unmotivated can seem similar for an individual. However, they are completely different emotions. An individual can potentially feel a combination of both. Or can feel one emotion progressing towards another. But are completely distinct.

Regardless, how can one identify what they are feeling? Especially if they want to get rid of it & be productive.

Being Lazy

This is more of an intention. Like a choice the mind makes. Being lazy would be curling up in bed, choosing to sleep without being exhausted from the daily chores. Just like that.

Though being lazy on a vacation seems doable, being lazy on workdays can be stressful. It means that you have the desire to work but don’t have the willingness to put effort into it.

Some evaluations like these can help:

  • Choosing the quicker way to finish (isn’t right or smart)
  • Want to get it done, regardless of the quality standards
  • Delegate your chores to others on purpose
  • Would prioritize other unproductive tasks
  • Procrastination is the key

Being Unmotivated

This easily means, lack of passion. Unlike laziness, here you don’t want to be idle but don’t find the right spark to complete it. This is associated with a deeper psychological problem that can often lead to self-doubts, criticism and anxiousness. An example: If you hate being a part of the morning work calls, you choose to start with other chores. But not attend the call. Once done, you work in a completely focused swing.

Lack of motivation is due to factors that happened currently or are triggered over time. It can be due to constant bullying, lack of communication, lower acceptance by others or continual doting. This eventually kills off the motivation.

Some evaluations that can help:

  • You want to progress but not in a particular sector
  • You doubt your actions & give up on resolving it
  • You procrastinate by doing other tasks that can be productive.
  • You choose unproductivity to escape
  • You are motivated to do everything else on your TO-DO list.

What can help?

Though there are psychological therapies to help an individual, some home remedies can also make a change.

For being non-lazy

  • Build a calculated timetable. And stick to it. (Laziness curls up only when you choose to do something unproductive)
  • Avoid cozy spots. Like beds, sofas & bedsheets. Instead work/study on your desk. Open the windows & let nature be your view.
  • Avoid distractions. Especially social media if your work doesn’t involve that.
  • Make a practical & feasible To-Do list.
  • Failing is okay. But don’t make it a habit. Stick to the timetable.
  • At the end of the day, reward for every hour you were non-lazy.

For being motivated

  • Start the day with meditation. Choose to meditate on the problem and how you can solve it
  • If you arent enjoying what you are doing, communicate to people who are trustworthy & can help
  • Try to do it even if it’s of poor quality. Get feedback and work on it.
  • Stay persistent & fight it like a boss
  • Don’t see it as a work- take it as fun

Being Lazy & Unmotivated can say a lot about an individual’s life. They can need medical help to feel emotionally fine. Or at times have the bedsheet pulled off of them to get them running.

Do it now. Sometimes later becomes never.



Divya Sebastian

Unmindful Musings of the Mind (Just a personal blogging site apparently needed during job applications)